
iPresenceLatest News[Press Release] iPresence G.K. has been registered as a RoboHoN partner ~ Plans to independently develop and provide a remote communication app compatible with RoboHoN! ~

[Press Release] iPresence G.K. has been registered as a RoboHoN partner ~ Plans to independently develop and provide a remote communication app compatible with RoboHoN! ~

We are pleased to announce that iPresence LLC (Headquarters: Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) has been registered as a RoBoHoN partner in June 2022.
iPresence G.K. develops telepresence avatar robots (hereafter referred to as telerobo) such as temi and Double3, and original applications such as Avatar robot for Zoom that enables centralized management and operation of these telerobos.

In addition, by linking digital twins, etc., we provide a variety of solutions that enable more immersive remote experiences, and we have know-how for utilizing remote communication in all industries.

Sharp Corporation uses the mobile robot "RoBoHoN" to provide functions and services that make everyday life more enjoyable and convenient.By registering as a partner this time, iPresence will promote the development and provision of new remote communication applications compatible with RoBoHoN, and will enhance the value provided by both iPresence LLC and Sharp Corporation to the remote presence industry.

[What is the mobile robot “RoBoHoN”]

Mobile robot "RoBoHoN"

Mobile robot "RoBoHoN"

A growing robot that sings, dances, and likes to talk. In addition to built-in basic functions such as "telephone (SR-03M-Y only)", "mail", "camera", and "alarm", it also informs you of pre-registered schedules, garbage days, birthdays of family members and acquaintances, etc. Equipped with a variety of applications that make use of RoBoHoN's voice functions, such as the "reminder" function.

A robot that makes your heart positive

A robot that makes your heart positive

With bright words and lovely gestures, this robot will liven up your daily life, create opportunities to enjoy alone time and family conversations, and make your heart positive.

■ iPresence LLC
Representative: Christophers Chris Francis
Location: Kobe Fashion Mart, 658-0032 Koyocho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture 6-9
Established: May 2014
Business description: Advanced technology equipment, robot equipment, communication equipment, software and provision of related services
Company HP:

iPresence GK is a pioneer of telepresence avatar robot related services utilizing temi, kubi and Double3.
We are developing and providing new remote experience methods that combine digital twins and metaverses with remote communication technology, and are committed to DX (digital transformation), Japanese culture, and regional revitalization projects.

■ Sharp Corporation
Representative: Representative Director, President and CEO Isao Wu
Location: 590 Takumi-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 8522-1
Established: September 1912
