
iPresenceIwanami Junior Start Books | How to interact with avatar robots

Media Exposures

Iwanami Junior Start Books | How to interact with avatar robots

In the book "How to interact with avatar robots" by Arisa Ema / published by Iwanami Shoten, our mobile avatar robot "temi" and a small desktop avatar robot "TelepiiWas introduced.

This book introduces examples of how to use the features of temi, which can move autonomously, and Telepii, which can be controlled with a smartphone app, to their full potential. For example, the book introduces how to combine the different features of the two robots to expand the range of activities, such as placing the robots on a desk in the classroom to participate in lessons or use Telepii to talk with friends, and using temi to move freely in gymnasiums or other large spaces.

We hope you will read this book and discover the possibilities of the avatar robot (telepresence avatar robot) provided by iPresence.

Book detailsIwanami Shoten official website
