In the modern manufacturing industry, the latest technology and smart factory realization are required to improve factory safety and efficiency. Among them, remote patrol systems that can be called upon are attracting attention. This article provides detailed information for factory managers and department heads about the importance of remote patrol, the call-out function, efficient methods for patrol, the effect of cost reduction, and improvement of safety and efficiency.

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What is a factory inspection tour?

Factory inspections are carried out to regularly check the equipment environment and the condition of machines in order to prevent accidents, troubles, and equipment stoppages (short or long stops). This is an essential and important task in the manufacturing industry, and it is required to be carried out regularly.

The difference between patrols and inspections is that patrols are performed for the purpose of inspection and maintenance, while inspections are performed for the purpose of monitoring. However, both are essential tasks for ensuring safety and productivity within the factory, and it is important to perform them accurately and efficiently.

Current issues with factory inspections

Patrols and monitoring at manufacturing sites play an important role in preventing accidents by checking the progress of work, checking the condition of equipment, and ensuring the safety of workers. However, there are problems with conventional methods.

Time and cost

Top officials such as factory managers and business managers, on-site supervisors, and external experts inspect the site three times a day, once a week, once a month, etc., depending on their position. This is not a problem if the person is always on-site, but for people who make sudden business trips frequently, those who work at a distant headquarters, or external experts, it can be difficult to adjust schedules due to the time and cost required for travel.

Time constraints and safety concerns

Traditional patrol inspection methods require workers to walk around the site and check. However, this method takes time and it is difficult to check every location. In addition, there is a risk of missing important points because the patrol is conducted within a limited time. In order to eliminate safety concerns, an efficient and quick monitoring method is required.

There is a need to find solutions to carry out effective patrols with limited resources.

Current issues with remote patrol services and patrol robots

A service has been introduced that makes people in the facility feel like they are being "monitored"

Conventional remote patrol services generally install surveillance cameras and monitor the site in real time. Patrol robots may operate automatically according to pre-programmed content or may be operated remotely by someone, but the operator's face is often not visible on-site. However, with these methods, workers may feel resistant or stressed because they feel that their actions and work are constantly being monitored and do not know who is monitoring them.

Many services do not consider friendliness or building communication

Patrol robots for security purposes tend to have a wary appearance, as their main purpose is to keep an eye out for suspicious objects and people. In addition, surveillance camera-type robots have limited functionality for real-time interaction with workers, making it difficult to communicate in a manner similar to face-to-face interaction.

In many cases, there is no voice function

Some remote patrol services have security cameras installed, but many do not have a voice-call function. It is important to be able to call out in real time to prevent accidents, raise morale on site by praising or warning workers, and respond to emergencies in order to increase safety awareness.

How the Telerobot temi can remotely inspect the site

In response to this, remote inspection using a telepresence avatar robot (hereafter referred to as telerobot) is gaining attention. By remotely controlling a telerobot, it is possible to patrol in real time as if you were actually there on-site, and check on the status of workers and equipment. In this article, we will introduce a telerobot called temi.

temi’s video calling robot function

Telerobo temi is a next-generation humanoid mobile robot with flexibility. It has a friendly appearance with a 13.3-inch monitor, and its main functions are "automatic explanation robot function" and "videophone robot function."

Temi's videophone robot function allows patrolmen in remote locations to communicate as if they were on-site. Patrolmen can provide guidance while visually checking the on-site situation through a videophone, which receives video and audio from the camera attached to the top of Temi's monitor. Patrolmen can also remotely control the telerobot while talking, allowing them to move freely around the site.

Five advantages of Temi for remote inspection of factories

  1. Communication during patrols is possible through voice and dialogue to convey thoughts
    Using temi, a remote instructor can talk directly to on-site workers, enabling quick feedback and instructions. This allows the progress of work to be understood in real time, and any areas that require improvement to be immediately pointed out. When an abnormality in equipment is detected, instructions can be sent directly to the worker remotely, enabling quick corrections to be made. This helps prevent serious accidents from occurring.
  2. Accurate patrol even from a distance, flexible mobility
    Temi is a humanoid mobile robot that can move freely within a factory, allowing efficient remote patrol of multiple areas. Important patrol points can also be registered on a map on the cloud, allowing automatic movement to the next patrol point with a click. Temi can be used to check important locations that are difficult for workers to access or that may be overlooked in a limited time. Patrols can be performed more quickly and accurately than by workers patrolling the factory.
  3. Ability to visually inspect and grasp the situation
    The 13.3-inch monitor allows you to check the on-site status with video and audio, making remote monitoring possible on a daily basis. If a problem occurs, it becomes easier to come up with a solution on the spot.
  4. You can see their faces and feel their presence as if they are really there
    temi displays the face of the remote operator on the screen, so you can see who is patrolling the site. By talking to on-site staff during remote patrols, you can build mutual trust rather than making them feel like they are being watched one-sidedly. Direct communication and real-time feedback increase worker motivation and a sense of security. It also contributes to raising safety awareness and creating a better work environment.
  5. Reduce costs
    Compared to conventional patrol methods, this method can significantly reduce travel time and costs. It eliminates the need for external experts and head office staff to travel to the factory frequently, reducing costs such as transportation and accommodation expenses. It also eliminates the need for dangerous patrols for workers, resulting in cost savings in terms of safety.

In this way, remote inspection using temi will greatly contribute to improving factory safety and productivity.

Flow of remote inspection using temi’s “videophone function”

The telerobot temi is deployed at the work site. The target worker receives video and audio from the camera on top of the temi monitor, so no special preparation or equipment is required.
The instructor can log in to the temi center, which allows them to manage and set up the temi robot, using a PC browser. They can connect to the temi center by launching a dedicated app on their smartphone. They can select the temi they want to call and make a call, and the video call will automatically connect them to the site.

  1. A remote instructor operates temi and connects to the on-site location via video call.
  2. The video and audio sent from the Telerobot Temi's camera is received to check the situation on-site, and instructions can be given by voice or text if necessary.
  3. Using the camera on the top of the temi monitor, workers on-site can communicate face-to-face with instructors in remote locations and report on their work progress and any findings they may have.
  4. A trainer operates temi and navigates the factory floor, walking workers through the workspace and providing hands-on instruction on how to operate equipment.
  5. Once the remote inspection is finished, the instructor returns temi to its original location and turns off the video call function.

In this way, remote inspections using video conferencing allow supervisors at the site and in remote locations to communicate in real time, making inspections more efficient.

Effective remote inspections start with good human relations

According to an interview article by Toyota Motor Corporation, many Toyota Motor Corporation managers are careful to remember to offer words of appreciation to subordinates working in places that are hard to reach when they inspect the plant. Managers who repeatedly give detailed instructions and point out problems when they see their subordinates will think that they are "back to nitpick" every time they meet on their patrols.

When the workplace is running smoothly, that is, under normal circumstances, a good manager will not patrol the workplace, giving detailed instructions on what to do or pointing out only the bad points. Such actions should be taken in emergency situations such as when a problem occurs. However, in normal patrols, the basis is to praise and encourage subordinates. Encourage them by saying things like, "You're doing a good job," or "It's tough, but do your best." Show interest in the work your subordinates are doing. Provide guidance to make their work more fun and easier. When you take such patrols, your subordinates' morale will increase as they will feel that "someone is interested in my work" and "I recognize their work."

For these reasons, trust and communication are also important in remote inspections. Not only can remote inspections and patrols be performed, but building good personal relationships between on-site workers and supervisors in remote locations is also expected to raise safety awareness and lead to improvements in productivity and the work environment.


As described above, remote inspections using video conferencing are not just for monitoring or visual inspections, but also contribute greatly to improving work efficiency and safety by allowing on-site workers and supervisors to communicate in real time. In addition, building good human relationships increases workers' motivation and sense of security, which leads to an improvement in the work environment.