
iPresenceAn experience event using telepresence avatar robots such as temi and kubi was held at Kobe Municipal Koyo Elementary School!

An experience event using telepresence avatar robots such as temi and kubi was held at Kobe Municipal Koyo Elementary School!

This time, we held a mystery solving event using several types of avatar robots at Kobe Municipal Koyo Elementary School!

Despite the fact that it was a Saturday afternoon, a total of 100 people, including parents, came.
Excited children erupted in cheers in front of the numerous robots.
Can you take me outside?Such simple questions fly around, and it's OK except for bumpy roads!Such
Our representative, Christophers, will answer each question one by one.

Now that temi has taken a group photo, we are divided into teams and the mystery-solving game begins!
Use temi and kubi to teleport to a place with hints and solve the mystery.
Even small children seemed to be accustomed to using iPhones, etc., and they skillfully manipulated the robot to teleport.
As I got used to it, the older children started to enjoy it more and more, calling out "hey! temi" and "playing music".
The principal also said, "Hey! Temi. Give me a banana!"
The children cried out in amazement.

During the event, we asked children living in the UK to access the robot,
Using temi, children in Japan and children in England could connect with each other in a timely teleportation experience.

We would like to ask for the cooperation of the principal of Koyo Elementary School, the chairman of the parents' association, and all the parents.
Thank you very much.

Well, next time, all the employees will push on to see what kind of fun events we can plan.

