
iPresenceThorough explanation of the operation method and operation screen of Double3!From basic to application

Thorough explanation of the operation method and operation screen of Double3!From basic to application

A monitor that displays the operator's face is an advanced Telerobo that moves freely with a mobile base.Dual3. "
Since you can manage the site and video chat without being there, it has been introduced in various industries and institutions.I'm curious about the operation method and usability of such Double3.
This article introduces how to use Double3 and useful functions on the actual operation screen.Please read to the end as it will be easier to imagine how it will be used after installation.

What is Telerobo (Telepresence avatar robot)?・・・By combining remote video chat and robot technology, a new communication tool that allows you to walk around remote areas with independence even from a distance.

Basic operation method of Double3

First, I will introduce the basic operation methods that you should remember when operating Double3.If you hold onto them, you should be able to make good use of them.

Keys used to run "Double3" using a web browser on a computer and corresponding operations

Basically, the following operations are assumed.
-Steps to follow: keyboard four-way controller (up, down, left, right)
-Stop:P (freeze Double at current position)
-Height adjustment: R = Raise, F = Lower
-Zoom in (magnify) / out (reduce): use the mouse scroll wheel or hold down the control key and click the mouse
-Bread: Move the mouse while holding down the control key
-Cancellation of automatic driving (click to drive): Esc key
-camera control: Move your mouse cursor to the edge of the video screen (top or bottom) and look for the arrow cursor icon
-Mute operator's microphone:M
-3D obstacle view: Space key
-Call quality status:i (video resolution, frames per second, bitrate, packet loss rate)

These keys and operations are actually performed from the following items, and Double3 is operated by remote control.
Please take a look at the end to see what kind of experience you can have with what kind of operation screen.

Move from boot

First, log in to Double3 that you want to operate from the browser.

Double3 login screen

Double3 login screen

When you select the Double3 mark you want to operate, the camera and microphone adjustment screen appears.

Camera and microphone adjustment screen

Camera and microphone adjustment screen

You don't need to do anything here, but make sure your face is clearly visible and select "Connect".

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

As soon as the connection is established, it will move to the screen for operating Double3.
The countless white dots projected on the ground automatically recognize the area where Double3 can run.If you move the cursor here and select it, it will avoid obstacles and start automatic driving.This is "Click to Drive".

Automatic recognition

Automatic recognition

The destination of automatic driving is displayed with a green point.
* If you want to stop while moving, select the red "Cancel" button at the top of the screen or press the "Esc key".
You can move not only by Click to Drive, but also by using the four-way controller.
・←: Turn left
・→:Turn right
You can also turn left and right by selecting the arrows on the edge of the screen.

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Try moving and turning, and choose the method that suits you.
It may be easier to use Click to Drive for large movements, and use the four-way controller or screen selection for fine movements.

Screen height adjustment and tilt

Double3 is a telerobot that allows you to independently control the height and angle of the screen so that you can communicate with more reality.
For height adjustment, select the Double mark on the upper left of the screen and finely adjust the top and bottom.* Or press R on the keyboard to go up and L to go down

Double3 height adjustment

Double3 height adjustment

Tilt changes the screen angle by moving the cursor up and down the screen and selecting the arrows that appear.

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

The height can be moved in the range of 120 to 150 cm, and by adjusting the tilt, you can bring it closer to the human eye.The Double3, which can be adjusted to a sitting position, can naturally blend in with the situation.

Camera shooting and zoom (telephoto) camera

If you want to record the projected screen clearly as a still image, select "Camera shooting" at the top right of the screen.
An image in JPEG format will be saved to your device, similar to a screenshot.

Camera shooting function

Camera shooting function

In situations where it is difficult to see in a video, shooting with a camera is convenient because you can check it as an image with a large amount of information.
You can zoom (telephoto) by clicking while holding down the Z keyboard, mouse wheel, or Ctl key.

Double3 operation screen

Double3 operation screen

Zoom function

Zoom function

In this way, you can also zoom in and out from a wide angle to see distant objects.

picture in picture

Picture in Picture allows you to operate other PCs while running Double3.The screen is displayed small on the right edge, and you can do multitasking.

picture in picture

picture in picture

Double3 cannot be operated in picture-in-picture mode.In order to stabilize the main unit, it is a good idea to park it in advance.

Parking and charge dock - until the end of the call

If you select parking on the upper left of the screen, your feet will be locked and the main unit will be stable. *Parking is canceled by moving or turning.



If you do not move for a certain period of time due to a meeting, etc., park it.

charge dog

charge dog

When you approach the charge dog, an orange mark will appear on the screen, so if you select it, you will automatically enter the charging position.And when you press the red phone mark, the operation of Double3 is successfully completed.

Applied convenience functions of Double3


Double3 convenient function

Double3 convenient function

Here are five useful functions that you should definitely use.

Multi Viewer


Multi Viewer

Multi Viewer

If you select Multi Viewer, up to 5 people can share the same screen and have a conversation.
The only way to participate is to access the URL shared by the operator.
Double3 allows the operator to provide a remote experience to four companions.

Screen sharing

The operator can share the screen with Screen Sharing.
You can show not only materials and websites, but also videos from YouTube and other sources, so it can be used as a communication tool with a higher ability to communicate.

Share Web Page

Use Share Web Page when you want to show your website to others.
The website is displayed on the screen of Double3, and the other party can scroll like normal web operations and select by touching the screen. Unlike Screen Sharing, the point of utilization is that the other party can operate independently.
* QR code display, keyboard display, etc. can be selected.

On-screen text


On-screen text

On-screen text

With On-Screen Text, you can display the characters you type and send on the Double3 screen.
* Sticky leaves the entered characters, Send Typing displays the characters being typed
This function can be used when it is difficult to communicate by voice or when you want to explain with text.

Satellite Camera


Satellite Camera

Satellite Camera

If you want to see Double3 from a third person's perspective, use Satellite Camera.
The terminal that reads the QR code that appears on the screen can project Double 3 as a satellite camera.
* It is also possible to read mobile-based QR codes
Double3's strength is that the assistant can increase one more vision by using the Satellite Camera.

Advanced options


Advanced options

Advanced options

In the advanced options, you can change the detailed settings of Double3 like this.
・Target Video Quality
・Audio Boost audio output
・Mixed Reality Graphics Dots on the ground
・Obstacle Avoidance
・3D Obstacle View Three-dimensional obstacle detection screen
・Night Vision night mode
・Detect QR Code QR code reading
・Robot Screen Brightness

3D Obstacle View

3D Obstacle View

When 3D Obstacle View is enabled, the obstacle detection screen appears like this. * Obstacles are in red
Set Obstacle Avoidance to "Divert" to avoid obstacles.Even if you are not used to the operation, you can move with confidence.
* "Stop" stops on the spot when an approaching obstacle is detected

Enabling Night Vision increases exposure and makes it easier to see in dark environments.This is especially useful for nighttime events.

Night Vision

Night Vision

Night Vision

Night Vision

Detect QR Code is that when you hold the QR code over the screen, an "i" mark appears and you can access the site.

Detect QR Code

Detect QR Code

At this time, I read at a distance of about 15 to 20 cm.It's an interesting feature, so please try it.
By changing the settings in detail, you can save the amount of data or use Double3 to suit the usage of the operator.Having a wide range of optional specifications is a point that will satisfy those who like gadgets.

[Summary] Double3 is fun to operate and full of functions!Accepting hands-on experience

The operation of Double3 is light, and you can feel the good response compared to other tele robots.
In addition, since it is a telerobo that can be operated independently and widely, you should be able to enjoy a more immersive remote experience.
Web pages, QR codes, and even videos can be shared, and there are also functions that are highly practical in the field.
We are always accepting operation experience, so please feel free to contact us.Inquiry from the contact form.

